Photo: Adam Jang via Unsplash

How to become a student at our University

What happens after you submit your application

So you've submitted your application – and what's next? We'd like to shed some light in the "black box" and give you some insights about how our application process works.

What happens after you hand in your application

Is your application complete?

Once the application deadline has passed, we will check all applications and might contact you in case we miss something or need more information. Before submitting your application, please check if it's complete using our checklist.

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All valid applications will be checked thoroughly by our admission committee. They will have a close look at your grades, but also your motivation letter and letters of recommendation. Due to the amount of applications, this process will take some time.

We want you!

If we want you to join us, we will contact you with an inofficial admission email around 4-6 weeks after the application deadline. Please let us know as soon as possible whether you'd like to join us.

If you do not hear from us yet: don't worry, your time may come in our clearing process.

It's official now!

After you confirm your spot, you'll receive your official letter of admission. Please download the pdf from the ZEuS portal and click on "accept" in ZEuS. Then follow the guidelines in the pdf letter!

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You're almost there!

Within the ZEuS portal you can now request immatriculation. You'll now need to transfer the fees mentioned, upload your health insurance certificate and then - you're a University of Konstanz student! (If mentioned in the letter, you might need to hand in further documents)

As an international student, you'll hand in your (German) health insurance certificate once you're here. We recommend you register for one of the orientation programmes as they will walk you through all the formalities.

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