MSc Political Economy

What’s the programme about?

Economic research of political processes and sophisticated political sciences are tightly interwoven. Therefore, the M.Sc. in Political Economy provides you with a contemporary, comprehensive postgraduate education in economics and political sciences that will facilitate your research in this fascinating field. The Master’s Programme focusses on quantitative theoretical and empirical methods that you will use to analyse multitudinous policy fields.

10 reasons to study Political Economy in Konstanz

  1. Genuine interdisciplinary programme at the Department of Economics and the Department of Politics and Public Administration
  2. Advise for your Master’s dissertation by supervisors from both departments
  3. Vast possibilities of applying your knowledge to fields such as social, financial, education, security or economic policy
  4. Your own research project in semester 3 or 4
  5. Erasmus semester or internship possible
  6. Great career opportunities in academia, public administration, international organizations, and multinational firms
  7. Excellent reputation of the Department of Economics and the Department of Politics and Public Administration in Germany and beyond
  8. Broad university infrastructure including a 24-hour library, a inclusive language institute and comprehensive sports programme
  9. Leading research and teaching at one of Germany’s 12 Universities of Excellence
  10. Picturesque setting at the Lake of Constance in immediate proximity to the Swiss Alps and the Black Forest

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