Current news



Career-Check | Strategy in an international environment

On May 23, 2024, the Department of Economics held the Career-Check for the summer term 2024. At this event, former graduates talk about their career paths and provide exclusive insights into their everyday working lives. Our Guests: Alexander Frenzel, Alumnus MSc Political Economy 2021, today Executive Assistant - Intern. Corporates at Commerzbank AG, and Jens Schellinger (MSc Management and Economics, University of Tübingen) Alumnus BSc Economics, today Strategy Associate at ZF Group.

Event: Economic outlook for the Lake Constance region

Economic outlook for the Lake Constance regionThurgau Economic Institute (TWI) invites you to the Thurgau Forecast Forum 2022 on 3 November 2022 at 5.30 p.m. at the Unternehmerzentrum Lilienberg in Ermatingen, Switzerland.

Ukraine Digital - Ensuring Academic Success in Times of Crisis

As part of the project "Ukraine Digital - Ensuring Academic Success in Times of Crisis" - approved, supported, and funded by the German Academic Exchange Service, DAAD - the module "Advanced Corporate Finance Digitally Delivered" will be offered at the Kyiv National Economic University (KNEU) in the winter semester 2022/23.

[Translate to Englisch:]

Current research

An employee referral programme introduced in an experiment involving Konstanz economist Professor Nick Zubanov reduces staff turnover by 15%.

Premiere: HTWG und Universität bringen aktuelle Wirtschaftsthemen in Schulen

Mehr als 100 Schüler*innen kamen vergangene Woche mit ihren Lehrpersonen zum Schülertag „Economics Goes School“. Die Veranstaltung war die erste einer Kooperation zwischen Universität Konstanz und HTWG. Professor*innen und Student*innen der beiden Institutionen gestalten sie gemeinsam, um wirtschaftspolitische Themen in den Schulen der Region Bodensee bekannter zu machen.