On December 1st, around 125 graduates convened for their graduation ceremony with guests and professors. Six of them received an award of excellence - congratulations!
Qixuan Yang has the opportunity to study two semesters in Yale via the very competitive Baden-Württemberg state programme. He is currently in his third semester in the MSc Social and Economic Data Science programme and holds a B.A. degree in Politics and Public Administration. Further, he holds a scholarship from Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung that funds his stay
Die Konstanzer Wirtschaftspädagogik feiert am 6. Dezember 2018 ihr 20-jähriges Bestehen – Festveranstaltung und anschließender Apéro von 14 bis 16.30 Uhr in Hörsaal A 701 der Universität Konstanz.
Das Thurgauer Wirtschaftsinstitut (TWI) an der Universität Konstanz lädt ein zum "Thurgauer Prognoseforum" am 24. Oktober 2018 im Unternehmerforum Lilienberg in Ermatingen, Schweiz. Beginn ist 17.30 Uhr.
Two cluster initiatives at the University of Konstanz awarded funding through the German Excellence Strategy – Extension of University of Excellence status possible