Examination office


Bachelor's programmes

  • Economics
  •  attestations for internships
  •  handing in and picking up BAföG attestations

Giuseppe Emmolo

Tel.: +49 (0)7531 / 88-3230
Fax: +49 (0)7531 / 88-2145 

Office hours:  
Tue, 13:00 –14:00
Thu, 11:30 – 12:30

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Bachelor's programmes

  • Mathematical Finance

Master's programmes

  • Mathematical Finance
  • Economics and Business Education

Annette Herbst

Tel.: +49 (0)7531 / 88-3034
Fax: +49 (0)7531 / 88-2145

Office hours:
Mon, 14:00-16:00
Tue + Thu, 10:00-12:00

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Master's programmes

  • Economics
  • Political Economy

For all study programmes

  • Transcripts of records
  • handing in forms for getting your internship recognised
  • handing in applications for a leave of absence

Konstantin Ruhl

Tel.: +49 (0)7531 / 88-2314
Fax: +49 (0)7531 / 88-2145

Office hours: 
Tue + Thu, 10:00–12.00

Write an email

Exam withdrawal due to illness

Withdrawal from exams due to illness

If you fall ill, you must inform Exam Administration before the start of the examination (Email: pruefungsverwaltung.wiwi@uni-konstanz.de).

In addition, a physician of your choice must confirm that you are unable to sit the exam. In this case, you have to use the template provided by the Central Examination Office.

Please ensure that you complete the form in full (especially the examination(s) concerned, date, your signature). Please make sure that the physician enters the correct time period for your likely incapacity to sit the exam and signs and stamps the form.

It is imperative that the medical certificate is issued on the day of the examination. In the case of prolonged illness, a medical certificate can also be accepted which has been issued before the day of the examination. Medical certificates issued later cannot be accepted.
You must hand in your medical certificate to Annette Herbst on the same day, put it (or have it put) in the blue letterbox next to Room F 259 or send it by regular mail to the Department of Economics (FAO Annette Herbst).

Important: You are not (except in the case of orientation tests) automatically registered for the next possible exam date.

Under what circumstances will my medical certificate be accepted? Here are some examples:

You don’t feel well on Saturday morning and don’t want to take the exam on that day. You inform Annette Herbst that you are de-registering from the exam prior to its start (email or answering machine).

Scenario A: You go to a doctor’s surgery or an emergency doctor, have the form for the medical certificate completed and put it in the post -> You are then de-registered from the exam.

Scenario B: You wait until Monday before you go to the doctor and then submit the medical certificate -> Medical certificates issued later are not accepted. You are not de-registered from the exam.

You don’t feel well on Thursday and don’t want to sit the exam on Saturday. You inform Annette Herbst that you are de-registering from the exam prior to its start (email or answering machine).

Scenario C: You go to the doctor on Thursday. The doctor decides that you are incapable of sitting the exam in the period from Thursday to Saturday. You hand in your medical certificate to the department punctually -> You are de-registered from the examination.

Scenario D: You go to the doctor on Thursday. The doctor states that you are incapable of sitting the exam on Saturday -> The medical certificate was not issued on the day of the exam. You are not de-registered from the exam.

Mid-term exams

The organisation and handling of mid-term exams is the responsibility of the departmental chairs. You must hand in your note of absence prior to sitting an exam and your medical certificate to the chair.

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to register for the examinations?

Yes, via the Online-Portal ZEuS. Registration is only possible with valid PIN/TAN numbers within the registration period. The registration period is announced on the department's website and can also be found in the download area under “Examination Dates” as well as in the ZEuS-Wiki.

Important: For the orientation tests, you are automatically registered for the main date. If you fail the first attempt, you are automatically registered for the following date.

Is it possible to withdraw an examination registration?

Yes, within the registration period via the Online Portal StudIS.

Important: It is not possible to de-register from orientation tests.

What happens if I fail an examination on the first try?

There is a repeat exam for each exam. You must register for repeat exams via the Online Portal StudIS.

Important: For the orientation tests, you are automatically registered for the next possible date.

What shall I do if I’m ill on the examination day?

If you fall ill, you must inform Exam Administration before the start of the examination (Email: pruefungsverwaltung.wiwi(at)uni-konstanz.de).
In addition, a physician of your choice must confirm that you are unable to sit the exam. In this case, you have to use the template provided by the Central Examination Office.
Please make sure to fill in the entire form (particularly: which exam, date, your signature). Please make sure that the physician enters the correct time period for your likely incapacity to sit the exam and signs and stamps the form. It is imperative that the medical certificate is issued on the day of the examination. In the case of prolonged illness, a medical certificate can also be accepted which has been issued before the day of the examination. Medical certificates issued later cannot be accepted.
You must hand in your medical certificate to Annette Herbst on the same day, put it (or have it put) in the blue letterbox next to Room F 259 or send it by regular mail to the Department of Economics (FAO Annette Herbst).

Important: You are not (except in the case of orientation tests) automatically registered for the next possible exam date.

Under what circumstances will my medical certificate be accepted? Here are some examples:

You don’t feel well on Saturday morning and don’t want to take the exam on that day. You inform Annette Herbst that you are de-registering from the exam prior to its start (email or answering machine).

Scenario A: You go to a doctor’s surgery or an emergency doctor, have the form for the medical certificate completed and put it in the post --> You are then de-registered from the exam.

Scenario B: You wait until Monday before you go to the doctor and then submit the medical certificate --> Medical certificates issued later are not accepted. You are not de-registered from the exam.

You don’t feel well on Thursday and don’t want to sit the exam on Saturday. You inform Annette Herbst that you are de-registering from the exam prior to its start (email or answering machine).

Scenario C: You go to the doctor on Thursday. The doctor decides that you are incapable of sitting the exam in the period from Thursday to Saturday. You hand in your medical certificate to the department punctually --> You are de-registered from the examination.

Scenario D: You go to the doctor on Thursday. The doctor states that you are only incapable of sitting the exam on Saturday --> The medical certificate was not issued on the day of the exam. You are not de-registered from the exam.

What happens if I don’t take an exam without excuse?

Unexcused absence is assessed with the grade 5,0 (fail)

Request transcript (after log-in)

New: Transcript with verification code

You can find now a grade printout with verification code in ZEuS (My studies > Performance assessments). In the lower part of the page, under “Reports” you can download the grade printout and get a verification code ("positive results" only) as well as a link to the ZEuS verification page, which can be used to prove the document’s authenticity.
If your performance assessments are still listed in StudIS, then it is not possible to get this verification code. In this case, please ask for a transcript of records using the form below (visible after login).