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  • Holding Period Effects in Dividend Strip Returns


    We estimate short-term dividend strip prices from 26 years of S&P 500 index options data (1996-2021). We endogenize interest rates when estimating strip prices and use longer holding period returns to mitigate the effect of measurement error. We find that Sharpe ratios for short-term strips are sizable and substantially higher than Sharpe ratios for the market. Short-term strips also have a low market beta and a high alpha. Over the business cycle, realized term premia (i.e., the difference between market and strip returns) and the term structure of Sharpe ratios move countercyclically, whereas the term structure of alphas moves procyclically.

  • Three Essays in Behavioral Economics



  • Grollmann, Philipp; Frommberger, Dietmar (Hrsg.) (2022): Zur Bedeutung der historisch-vergleichenden Berufsbildungsforschung in der Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik GROLLMANN, Philipp, ed., Dietmar FROMMBERGER, ed., Thomas DEISSINGER, ed. and others. Vergleichende Berufsbildungsforschung - Ergebnisse und Perspektiven aus Theorie und Empirie : Jubiläumsausgabe des Internationalen Handbuchs der Berufsbildung. Leverkusen: Verlag Barbara Budrich, 2022, pp. 96-122. Internationales Handbuch der Berufsbildung. 28, 56. ISBN 978-3-8474-2676-9

    Zur Bedeutung der historisch-vergleichenden Berufsbildungsforschung in der Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik



  • Schumann, Stephan; Seeber, Susan; Abele, Stephan (2022): Digitalisierung und digitale Medien in der Berufsbildung : Einführung in den Band SCHUMANN, Stephan, ed., Susan SEEBER, ed., Stephan ABELE, ed.. Digitale Transformation in der Berufsbildung : Konzepte, Befunde und Herausforderungen. Bielefeld: wbv, 2022, pp. 11-17. Wirtschaft - Beruf - Ethik. 41. ISBN 978-3-7639-7137-4. Available under: doi: 10.3278/9783763971381

    Digitalisierung und digitale Medien in der Berufsbildung : Einführung in den Band



    dc.contributor.author: Seeber, Susan; Abele, Stephan

  • (2022): Learning with serious games in economics education a systematic review of the effectiveness of game-based learning in upper secondary and higher education International Journal of Educational Research. Elsevier. 2022, 115, 102031. ISSN 0883-0355. eISSN 1873-538X. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.ijer.2022.102031

    Learning with serious games in economics education a systematic review of the effectiveness of game-based learning in upper secondary and higher education


    Digital game-based learning (GBL) is attracting attention in economics education, as this type of learning allows abstract content to be simulated through play. However, a systematic review of its effects is still lacking. This paper synthesizes the empirical evidence by addressing the following two questions: (1) What are the effects of GBL in economics education compared to those of other media? (2) Which features of GBL are important for learning? Intervention studies (k = 20, 2011-2021) that focus on upper secondary and higher education are analyzed. The findings identify advantages of GBL concerning subject knowledge. However, the findings related to fostering motivation are inconsistent. Moreover, students’ performance expectations are found to promote learning engagement. Thus, GBL is suitable if the target group can recognize the content-related benefit, and if the content is designed to be challenging.

  • Asri, Ankush; Asri, Viola; Renerte, Baiba; Föllmi-Heusi, Franziska; Leuppi, Joerg D.; Muser, Juergen; Nüesch, Reto; Schuler, Dominik; Fischbacher, Urs (2022): Which hospital workers do (not) want the jab? : Behavioral correlates of COVID-19 vaccine willingness among employees of Swiss hospitals PLoS one. Public Library of Science (PLoS). 2022, 17(5), e0268775. eISSN 1932-6203. Available under: doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0268775

    Which hospital workers do (not) want the jab? : Behavioral correlates of COVID-19 vaccine willingness among employees of Swiss hospitals


    In many countries, the current vaccination rates are stagnating, to the extent that vaccine hesitancy—the delay or refusal to take recommended vaccinations—forms a major obstacle to ending the COVID-19 pandemic. This tendency is particularly concerning when observed among healthcare workers who are opinion leaders on medical matters for their patients and peers. Our study surveys 965 employees of two large Swiss hospitals and profiles vaccine-hesitant hospital employees using not only socio-demographic characteristics, but also a comprehensive set of standard behavioral preference measures: (i) Big-5 personality traits, (ii) risk-, time- and social preferences, and (iii) perceived prevailing social norms. Using multinomial probit models and linear probability models, we find that vaccine-hesitant hospital employees are less patient and less likely to perceive vaccination as the prevailing social norm—in addition to replicating previously published socio-demographic results. Our findings are robust to a range of model specifications, as well as individual and situational covariates. Our study thus offers actionable policy implications for tailoring public-health communications to vaccine-hesitant hospital employees.

  • Bohlinger, Sandra; Scheiermann, Gero; Schmidt, Christian (Hrsg.) (2022): Die Lehrlingsausbildung (apprenticeship) im englischen Berufsbildungssystem : Hintergründe, strukturelle Entwicklungen und politische "Wiederbelebungsaktivitäten" der letzten Jahrzehnte BOHLINGER, Sandra, ed., Gero SCHEIERMANN, ed., Christian SCHMIDT, ed.. Berufsbildung, Beruf und Arbeit im gesellschaftlichen Wandel : Zukünfte beruflicher Bildung im 21. Jahrhundert. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2022, pp. 233-254. ISBN 978-3-658-37896-7. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-37897-4_15

    Die Lehrlingsausbildung (apprenticeship) im englischen Berufsbildungssystem : Hintergründe, strukturelle Entwicklungen und politische "Wiederbelebungsaktivitäten" der letzten Jahrzehnte


    Beginnend mit den 1990er Jahren ist der Themenkreis der „Kompetenzorientierung“ zu einem wichtigen Thema der Berufsbildungsforschung und der Berufsbildungspolitik avanciert. Zumeist spielten hierbei Abgrenzungsargumente eine Rolle: So haben u. a. die deutschen Gewerkschaften immer wieder vor den Gefahren einer auf Kompetenzorientierung und „outcomes“ ausgerichteten Modularisierungspolitik gewarnt und mit ihr auch das mögliche „Ende“ der Beruflichkeit heraufbeschworen – ein berufsbildungspolitisches Argument, das sich bis hin zu den Beratungen zum Deutschen Qualifikationsrahmen verfolgen lässt (Deißinger 2009; Frommberger 2019: 303 ff.). Fakt ist, dass in den angelsächsischen Ländern, allen voran England und Australien (Deißinger 2013; Hellwig 2008; Deißinger und Hellwig 2005), dieses Konzept zur Grundlage berufsbildungspolitischer Weichenstellungen wurde, während Deutschland hier ausgesprochen defensiv und zurückhaltend agierte und stattdessen „weiche“ Formen der Modularisierung vor allem in Neuordnungsverfahren im dualen Ausbildungssystem den Weg ebnete (Euler 2021).

  • Tips for the PhD in Empirical Financial Economics : From Developing a Research Idea to Getting It Published


    This practical guide is for the PhD student in empirical financial economics. Tips range from finding and developing a research idea to collecting data to choosing programming languages and methods to writing a paper to presenting and publishing it.

  • Dertwinkel-Kalt, Markus; Gerhardt, Holger; Riener, Gerhard; Schwerter, Frederik; Strang, Louis (2022): Concentration Bias in Intertemporal Choice The Review of Economic Studies. Oxford University Press. 2022, 89(3), pp. 1314-1334. ISSN 0034-6527. eISSN 1467-937X. Available under: doi: 10.1093/restud/rdab043

    Concentration Bias in Intertemporal Choice


    Many intertemporal trade-offs are unbalanced: while the advantages of options are concentrated in a few periods, the disadvantages are dispersed over numerous periods. We provide novel experimental evidence for “concentration bias,” the tendency to overweight advantages that are concentrated in time. Subjects commit to too much overtime work that is dispersed over multiple days in exchange for a bonus that is concentrated in time: concentration bias increases subjects’ willingness to work by 22.4% beyond what standard discounting models could account for. In additional conditions and a complementary experiment involving monetary payments, we study the mechanisms behind concentration bias and demonstrate the robustness of our findings.

  • Folli, Dominik; Wolff, Irenaeus (2022): Biases in belief reports Journal of Economic Psychology. Elsevier. 2022, 88, 102458. ISSN 0167-4870. eISSN 1872-7719. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.joep.2021.102458

    Biases in belief reports


    Belief elicitation is important in many different fields of economic research. We show that how a researcher elicits such beliefs – in particular, whether the belief is about the participant’s opponent, an unrelated other, or the population of others – strongly affects the belief reports. We study the underlying processes and find a clear consensus effect. Yet, when matching the opponent’s action would lead to a low payoff and the researcher asks for the belief about this opponent, ex-post rationalization kicks in and beliefs are re-adjusted again. Hence, we recommend to ask about unrelated others or about the population in such cases, as ‘opponent beliefs’ are even more detached from the beliefs participants had when deciding about their actions in the corresponding game. We find no evidence of wishful thinking in any of the treatments.

  • Spinde, Timo; Krieger, Jan-David; Ruas, Terry; Mitrović, Jelena; Götz-Hahn, Franz; Aizawa, Akiko; Gipp, Bela (2022): Exploiting Transformer-Based Multitask Learning for the Detection of Media Bias in News Articles SMITS, Malte, ed.. Information for a better world : shaping the global future : 17th international conference, iConference 2022, virtual event, February 28 - March 4, 2022 : Part 1. Cham: Springer Nature, 2022, pp. 225-235. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 13192. ISSN 0302-9743. eISSN 1611-3349. ISBN 978-3-030-96956-1. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-96957-8_20

    Exploiting Transformer-Based Multitask Learning for the Detection of Media Bias in News Articles


    Media has a substantial impact on the public perception of events. A one-sided or polarizing perspective on any topic is usually described as media bias. One of the ways how bias in news articles can be introduced is by altering word choice. Biased word choices are not always obvious, nor do they exhibit high context-dependency. Hence, detecting bias is often difficult. We propose a Transformer-based deep learning architecture trained via Multi-Task Learning using six bias-related data sets to tackle the media bias detection problem. Our best-performing implementation achieves a macro F1 of 0.776, a performance boost of 3% compared to our baseline, outperforming existing methods. Our results indicate Multi-Task Learning as a promising alternative to improve exist- ing baseline models in identifying slanted reporting.

  • How information about inequality impacts support for school closure policies : Evidence from the pandemic


    The increase in inequalities during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has been the topic of intense scholarly and public debate. School closures are one of the containment measures that have been debated most critically in this regard. What drives support for school and daycare/kindergarten closures during a public health crisis such as the current COVID-19 pandemic? More specifically, do inequality concerns affect this support? To identify causal linkages between awareness of inequalities and support for school and daycare/kindergarten closures, we use a survey experiment with information treatment, in which we randomly assign information designed to prime the respondents to think about either education inequality, gender inequality, or both. Based on an original survey experiment involving more than 3,000 respondents, conducted in spring 2021 at the end of a long lockdown in Germany, our findings show that concerns about education inequality and gender inequality are equally important for decreasing support for preschool and primary school closures, while they do not seem to matter regarding secondary school closures.

  • (2022): Central exams and adult skills : Evidence from PIAAC Economics of Education Review. Elsevier. 2022, 90, 102289. ISSN 0272-7757. eISSN 1873-7382. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.econedurev.2022.102289

    Central exams and adult skills : Evidence from PIAAC


    Central exams are often hypothesized to favorably affect incentive structures in schools. Indeed, previous research provides vast evidence on the positive effects of central exams on student test scores. But critics warn that these effects may arise through the strategic behavior of students and teachers, which may not affect human capital accumulation in the long run. Exploiting variation in examination types across school systems and over time, we provide the first evidence that central exams positively affect adult skills. However, estimated effects on skills are small and we find no significant average effect on earnings.

  • Conrad, Matthias; Dölker, Jonas; Kablitz, David; Schumann, Stephan (2022): VR in der kaufmännischen Berufsbildung : Potenziale – Befunde – Perspektiven SCHUMANN, Stephan, ed., Susan SEEBER, ed., Stephan ABELE, ed.. Digitale Transformation in der Berufsbildung : Konzepte, Befunde und Herausforderungen. Bielefeld: wbv, 2022, pp. 231-255. Wirtschaft - Beruf - Ethik. 41. ISBN 978-3-7639-7137-4. Available under: doi: 10.3278/9783763971381

    VR in der kaufmännischen Berufsbildung : Potenziale – Befunde – Perspektiven



    dc.contributor.author: Dölker, Jonas

  • Three Essays on Social Networks in Economics



  • Mao, Yanbing; Latukha, Marina; Selivanovskikh, Louisa (2022): From brain drain to brain gain in emerging markets : exploring the new agenda for global talent management in talent migration European Journal of International Management. Inderscience Publishers. 2022, 17(4), pp. 564-582. ISSN 1751-6757. eISSN 1751-6765. Available under: doi: 10.1504/ejim.2020.10025787

    From brain drain to brain gain in emerging markets : exploring the new agenda for global talent management in talent migration


    The research aims to provide a review of the brain gain and brain drain phenomena in the emerging market context. Specifically, we investigate the push and pull factors of talent migration focusing at society-, firm-, industry- and location-specific determinants, and develop a theoretical framework that establishes the relationships between different types of factors and global talent management. The paper extends the understanding of the role of global talent management and global talent mobility in non-Western contexts. Through a series of propositions, we claim that global talent management, as a system of practices aimed at attracting, developing and retaining talented workers on a global scale, may serve as a mediator in transforming outward talent migration into inward talent migration, thus stimulating future empirical research on the topic.

  • Holtsch, Doreen; Findeisen, Stefanie; Bruderer, Nicole; Müller, Sabrina; Schlag, Thomas (2022): Auch für andere da : Freiwilliges (kirchliches) Engagement von Lernenden in der beruflichen Grundbildung Transfer. Berufsbildung in Forschung und Praxis ; 7,2. Bern: Schweizerische Gesellschaft für angewandte Berufsbildungsforschung SGAB

    Auch für andere da : Freiwilliges (kirchliches) Engagement von Lernenden in der beruflichen Grundbildung


    Viele Jugendliche engagieren sich freiwillig in Sportvereinen, in ihrer eigenen Familie oder auch in der Kirche. Ein von der Internationalen Bodenseehochschule gefördertes Projekt zeigt, dass dies für rund 62 Prozent der Jugendlichen zutrifft. Dieses Engagement eröffnet Berufsbildungsverantwortlichen die Möglichkeit, Bezüge zwischen den im Kontext der Freiwilligenarbeit gesammelten Erfahrungen und der beruflichen Tätigkeit bewusst zu eruieren und zu fördern. Ein Ziel könnte es sein, dass Lernende in die Lage versetzt werden, sich bewusst für ein Engagement zu entscheiden.

  • Billett, Stephen; Stalder, Barbara Elisabeth; Aarkrog, Vibe; Choy, Sarojni; Hodge, Steven; Le, Anh Hai (Hrsg.) (2022): The Standing of Dual Apprenticeships in Germany : Institutional Stability and Current Challenges BILLETT, Stephen, ed., Barbara Elisabeth STALDER, ed., Vibe AARKROG, ed., Sarojni CHOY, ed., Steven HODGE, ed., Anh Hai LE, ed.. The Standing of Vocational Education and the Occupations It Serves : Current Concerns and Strategies For Enhancing That Standing. Cham: Springer Cham, 2022, pp. 83-101. Professional and Practice-based Learning. 32. ISBN 978-3-030-96236-4. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-96237-1_5

    The Standing of Dual Apprenticeships in Germany : Institutional Stability and Current Challenges


    In Germany, while the dual system creepingly seems to lose attractiveness among school leaver, “academisation” in conjunction with “vocationalisation” mark an adaptation of the apprenticeship system to higher education – which may be called “tertiary vocational education” or “dual study programs”. Besides the situation on the training market with its obvious ambivalences, this raises the question whether the dual system, which is widely renowned for its functionality and its firm role within the German economy, can defend its traditional rank as a supplier of skilled employees and with it its relevance for the socialisation of young people. Besides academisation, digitalisation and other modernisation issues certainly now have an impact on the VET system and its socio-economic acceptance and esteem. The paper tries to sketch some of these current issues with respect to the cultural and economic standing of the dual system within German society by focusing, besides historical aspects, the specific kind of “subsidiarity” within the dual system that underlies the standing of apprenticeships in this country. By commenting on the importance of the influences from relevant policy developments we point out that it is not just the “duality” which characterises the German VET system but its typical kind of institutionalisation.

  • Dufourt, Frédéric; Kerdelhué, Lisa; Piétri, Océane (2022): Budget-neutral capital tax cuts Annals of Economics and Statistics. National Economics and Statistics Schools Group (GENES). 2022(146), pp. 93-122. ISSN 2115-4430. eISSN 1968-3863. Available under: doi: 10.2307/48674140

    Budget-neutral capital tax cuts



    dc.contributor.author: Dufourt, Frédéric; Kerdelhué, Lisa

  • Domenech, Josep (Hrsg.) (2022): Improving governance of vocational teacher education in Ukraine within Erasmus+ project DOMENECH, Josep, ed.. HEAd'22 : 8th International Conference on Higher Education Advances : Proceedings. Valencia: Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2022, pp. 331-338. ISBN 978-84-1396-003-6. Available under: doi: 10.4995/HEAd22.2022.14648

    Improving governance of vocational teacher education in Ukraine

    within Erasmus+ project


    The paper aims at discussing the governance of vocational teacher training

    based on partnership and cooperation with different stakeholders and its

    implementation within the Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education

    project carried out in Ukraine.

    The problem of the weak linkage between vocational schools, universities that

    offer pre-service vocational teacher training and the employment sector is

    typical of the Ukrainian vocational teacher training. It causes discrepancies

    between expectations of vocational schools from young ongoing teachers and

    the competencies prospective teachers are equipped with at universities.

    Within the project four Ukrainian partner-universities developed different

    concepts for improving the relevance and quality of provided pre-service

    teacher education by implementing mechanisms of “collaborative”

    governance and partnerships, which involves different stakeholders in

    teaching, content defining and quality monitoring processes. The initial

    implementation of these models offers solutions to above-mentioned problems

    in vocational teacher training.

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