
How nice that you’ve joined us!

The first days at university are a particularly exciting time. This website gives you hints you about the first steps in the Mathematical Finance programme so that nothing gets in the way of a successful start to your studies. If you have any questions, simply get in touch with us!

Please also have a look at what the Studienstarter (guide for new students) service of the University of Konstanz has to offer! It provides valuable tips about getting started at the university.

Important dates 2023

Preparatory maths course: 18 September - 6 October 2023
Information session for new Mathematical Finance bachelor students: 17 October 2023, 13:30-15:00 room R511
More information will be published on this website.
Start of lectures: 23 October 2023.

Is there a preparatory maths course?

Yes, you will attend the preparatory course for Mathematics students. This takes place  from 18 September to 6 October 2023. Further information and the registration form can be obtained from the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.

Although the course is not mandatory, we strongly recommend that you attend it! Mathematics at the university is very different to mathematics at school and even good pupils can have trouble adjusting.

Is there an introductory week?

Yes. All the events taking place during the introductory week at the University of Konstanz can be found in the “Studienstarter” guide.

Which courses do I have to attend in my first semester?

In the 1st semester, you will attend the courses Linear algebra I, Analysis I, Statistics I and Corporate finance.

All modules and a plan of study can be found under programme content. Times and rooms for courses are listed in the online course catalogue.

At the moment it is necessary to register for all courses at the beginning of a semester via ZEuS. Later on in the semester you will register for the exams.

How do I keep myself posted?

Best of all sign up for the mailing lists relevant for you: