Latest Publications

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  • (2017): Redistribution and insurance with simple tax instruments Journal of Public Economics. 2017, 146, pp. 58-78. ISSN 0047-2727. eISSN 1879-2316. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.jpubeco.2016.12.006

    Redistribution and insurance with simple tax instruments


    We analyze optimal taxation of labor and capital income in a life cycle framework with idiosyncratic income risk and ex-ante heterogeneity. Tax instruments are simple in that they can only condition on current income. We provide a decomposition of labor income tax formulas into a redistribution and an insurance component. The latter is independent of the social welfare function and determined by the degree of income risk and risk aversion. The optimal linear capital tax is non-zero and trades off redistribution and insurance against savings distortions. Our quantitative results reveal that the insurance component contributes significantly to optimal labor income tax rates and provides a lower bound on optimal taxes. Optimal capital taxes are significant.

  • Kärner, Tobias; Sembill, Detlef; Aßmann, Christian; Friederichs, Edgar; Carstensen, Claus H. (2017): Analysis of person-situation interactions in educational settings via cross-classified multilevel longitudinal modeling : illustrated with the example of students' stress experience Frontline Learning Research. 2017, 5(1), pp. 16-42. eISSN 2295-3159. Available under: doi: 10.14786/flr.v5i1.137

    Analysis of person-situation interactions in educational settings via cross-classified multilevel longitudinal modeling : illustrated with the example of students' stress experience


    The investigation of learning processes by assessing students’ experience along with objective characteristics within a classroom context has a long tradition in empirical learning process research (e.g. Sembill, 1984 et passim; Wild & Krapp, 1996). However, most of the existing studies confine themselves to psychological variables that seem to be too narrowly considered, as there is theoretical and empirical evidence proving the involvement of somatic and psychological processes in learning and in stress reactions. Furthermore there is a lack of studies that investigate situation-related experience (states) as an outcome of interactions between relatively stable characteristics (traits) and continuously changing “objective” context conditions. Against this background, we will present an approach for cross-classified multilevel longitudinal modelling of person-situation interactions in naturalistic educational settings. We illustrated our model with the example of students’ stress experience referring to empirical data that we measured within a multidisciplinary research project (pedagogy, psychology, adolescent medicine). 53 students at a public German vocational school were investigated during 9 lessons. There are up to 38 state measurements per person, resulting in 2,014 measurements in total. Taking into account that states are nested within persons and within situations we applied a cross-classified multilevel model to analyse effects on students’ stress experience. The analysis shows significant person-situation interactions between academic self-concept and classroom demands and between baseline cortisol concentration and classroom demands: the relation between classroom demands and stress experience depends on relatively stable person-related characteristics. A deeper knowledge about the complex interrelations between traits, states, and continuously changing context conditions seems to be essential for a more holistic understanding of learning at school and for the identification of crucial aspects for an evidence-based design and implementation of teaching and learning arrangements.

  • (2017): Strategic recruiting in ongoing hierarchies Economics Letters. 2017, 156, pp. 176-178. ISSN 0165-1765. eISSN 1873-7374. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.econlet.2017.05.011

    Strategic recruiting in ongoing hierarchies


    This paper describes a hierarchy with peer hiring to explore the reasons behind the management rule “A’s hire A’s and B’s hire C’s”. Workers are promoted based on talent and therefore like to hire less talented co-workers. This is why B’s hire C’s. The same logic should cause A’s to hire B’s, but there is a trade-off in the model: A’s are more likely to be promoted, and a manager profits from more talented subordinates. If this effect is strong enough, then indeed A’s hire A’s

  • Dertwinkel-Kalt, Markus; Köhler, Katrin; Lange, Mirjam R. J.; Wenzel, Tobias (2017): Demand Shifts Due to Salience Effects: Experimental Evidence Journal of the European Economic Association. Oxford University Press. 2017, 15(3), pp. 626-653. ISSN 1542-4766. eISSN 1542-4774. Available under: doi: 10.1093/jeea/jvw012

    Demand Shifts Due to Salience Effects: Experimental Evidence


    We conduct a laboratory experiment that tests two fundamental predictions unique to salience theory. If an agent purchases one of two vertically differentiated products, salience theory makes the following two distinct predictions. First, it hypothesizes that a higher expected price level for both products shifts demand toward the more expensive, high-quality product. Second, it predicts that demand for the high-quality product is larger if the price level is expectedly high than if it is unexpectedly high. In our experiment, subjects purchased fast or slow Internet access at different price levels. Our results strongly support both predictions of salience theory. (JEL: D03)

  • Essays in Applied Microeconomics



  • Emotionale Kosten des Zentralabiturs? : Die Implementation zentraler Abiturprüfungen und deren potentielle Auswirkungen auf die Erfolgsunsicherheit im Abitur und die Angst vor Misserfolg von Schülerinnen und Schülern


    Emotionen beeinflussen im Zusammenspiel mit weiteren Aspekten das Lernen und Lehren, wobei die Interaktion von Person und Umwelt von großer Bedeutung ist. Vor diesem Hintergrund analysiert der Beitrag mittels eines Kohortenvergleichs über fünf Jahre mögliche kurz- und längerfristige Auswirkungen der Implementation des Zentralabiturs auf die Erfolgsunsicherheit im Abitur und die Angst vor Misserfolg von Abiturientinnen und Abiturienten sowie auf den Einfluss unterrichtlicher und schulischer Faktoren auf diese Emotionen - zusätzlich nach Leistungsniveau differenziert. Strukturgleichungsmodelle zeigen längerfristig (2007 - 2011) die Stabilität der Emotionen, eine Abnahme des Effekts des Schulklimas auf die Erfolgsunsicherheit im Abitur sowie differenzielle Wirkungen je nach Leistungsniveau. Die meisten Effekte bleiben jedoch über die Jahre und die Prüfungsform (dezentral-zentral) konstant.

  • (2017): Forecasting Aggregates with Disaggregate Variables : Does Boosting Help to Select the Most Relevant Predictors? Journal of Forecasting. 2017, 36(1), pp. 74-90. ISSN 0277-6693. eISSN 1099-131X. Available under: doi: 10.1002/for.2415

    Project : Forecasting and Structural Analysis with Contemporaneous Aggregates of Time Series Data

    Forecasting Aggregates with Disaggregate Variables : Does Boosting Help to Select the Most Relevant Predictors?


    Including disaggregate variables or using information extracted from the disaggregate variables into a forecasting model for an economic aggregate may improve the forecasting accuracy. In this paper we suggest to use the boosting method to select the disaggregate variables which are most helpful in predicting an aggregate of interest. We conduct a simulation study to investigate the variable selection ability of this method. To assess the forecasting performance a recursive pseudo-out-of-sample forecasting experiment for six key Euro area macroeconomic variables is conducted. The results suggest that using boosting to select relevant predictors is a feasible and competitive approach in forecasting an aggregate.

  • Heim, Sven; Hüschelrath, Kai; Schmidt-Dengler, Philipp; Strazzeri, Maurizio (2017): The impact of state aid on the survival and financial viability of aided firms European Economic Review. 2017, 100, pp. 193-214. ISSN 0014-2921. eISSN 1873-572X. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.euroecorev.2017.08.005

    The impact of state aid on the survival and financial viability of aided firms


    We estimate the causal impact of restructuring aid granted by the European Commission between 2000 and 2012 on the survival and financial viability of aided firms. Using a comprehensive dataset we find that restructuring aid decreases the hazard rate of a market exit by 58–68% and increases firms’ average survival time by 8–15 years, depending on the definition of firm survival. We also find that aid receiving firms have a significantly higher probability to improve their financial viability than the counterfactual group in the longer run.

  • Three Essays on Beliefs in Behavioral Economics



  • (2017): Schulische und berufliche Qualifikationen und Kenntnisse jüngst nach Deutschland Geflüchteter Recht der Jugend und des Bildungswesens. 2017, 65(4), pp. 457-469. ISSN 0034-1312. eISSN 2366-6749. Available under: doi: 10.5771/0034-1312-2017-4-457

    Schulische und berufliche Qualifikationen und Kenntnisse jüngst nach Deutschland Geflüchteter



  • Schweiker, Marcel; Hass, Joachim; Novokhatko, Anna (Eds.) (2017): Messen und Verstehen in der Wissenschaft : interdisziplinäre Ansätze

    Messen und Verstehen in der Wissenschaft : interdisziplinäre Ansätze



    dc.contributor.editor: Schweiker, Marcel; Hass, Joachim; Novokhatko, Anna

  • Policy Effects in a Simple Fully Non-Linear New Keynesian Model of the Liquidity Trap


    We analyze a simple yet fully non-linear New Keynesian model of the liquidity trap. Productivity shocks are the only source of aggregate fluctuations and the central bank acts as a discretionary policy maker that pursues an inflation targeting strategy. We use this model to assess the effects of fiscal policy in a liquidity trap, the consequences of a commitment to change government expenditures in the future as well as the implications of lower taxes on labor and a higher inflation target. In contrast with some previous papers, we find that the effects of fiscal policy in a liquidity trap are moderate and that reductions in labor income taxes are expansionary. We do not find support for higher inflation targets.

  • Subjektive Theorien von Schüler/-innen des Kaufmännischen Berufskollegs mit Übungsfirma (BK-ÜFA) in Baden-Württemberg mit Blick auf Kompetenzerleben und berufliche Aspirationen


    dc.title: Heck, Jasmin

  • Specifying Social Weight Matrices of Researcher Networks : The Case of Academic Economists


    This paper shows how collaboration and citation networks can be used to specify social weight matrices for a community of researchers. I use two competing theories of social influence on individual behavior, namely communication and comparison. I argue that in research networks collaboration captures communication, while citation captures comparison. I further argue that the comparison principle is likely to be the main social driver of individual research productivity and suggest a benchmark social weight matrix based on this principle. I test the benchmark matrix against several alternatives using a Bayesian model comparison procedure and conclude that the benchmark matrix outperforms alternative specifications. This result lends support to socio-economic theories underling the benchmark specification of the social weight matrix.

  • (2017): What are the equilibria in public-good experiments? Economics Letters. 2017, 150, pp. 83-85. ISSN 0165-1765. eISSN 1873-7374. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.econlet.2016.11.015

    What are the equilibria in public-good experiments?


    Most social-preference models have been tailored to yield only a full-defection equilibrium in one- shot linear public-good situations. This paper determines the Nash-equilibrium sets that result from experiment participants’ elicited preferences. The data show that multiple equilibria are relatively frequent even in a standard three-player setting. In this perspective, the common finding of close-to- omnilateral defection at the end of repeated public-good games is surprising and raises the question of why the dynamics of play seem to select this equilibrium out of the existing equilibria.

  • Downsizing bei Konsumgütern : Wahrnehmung und Reaktionen von Konsumenten


    Tina Leibinger beschäftigt sich in Ihrem Buch mit dem Thema Downsizing von Lebensmitteln – d.h. Packungs-größen-Reduktionen mit resultierenden Grundpreiserhöhungen. Der Fokus liegt dabei neben der Herausarbeitung relevanter Aspekte für ein differenziertes Verständnis des Themas Downsizing sowie der Zusammenführung und Bewertung bestehender Forschungsarbeiten auf der empirischen Untersuchung der Konsumenten-Wahrnehmung von Downsizing sowie deren Verknüpfung mit Konsumenten-Reaktionen.

  • Fachdidaktische Kompetenzen angehender Lehrpersonen : Eine Untersuchung zum Erklären im Rechnungswesen


    Dieses Buch widmet sich einer zentralen Facette fachdidaktischer Kompetenzen von Lehrpersonen, der Fähigkeit, Fachinhalte zu erklären („Erklärfähigkeit“). Dabei nimmt die Autorin angehende Lehrpersonen der Domäne Rechnungswesen (Studierende der Wirtschaftspädagogik) in den Blick. Zur Erfassung der Erklärfähigkeit werden domänenspezifische Instrumente entwickelt, wobei auf eine Kombination quantitativer und qualitativer Zugänge zurückgegriffen wird. Zunächst werden anhand eines Paper-Pencil-Tests Fachwissen und fachdidaktische Wissensfacetten der Lehramtsstudierenden erfasst. Um insbesondere eine handlungsbasierte Erfassung der Erklärfähigkeit zu erreichen, wird zudem eine interaktive Simulation (standardisierte Erklärungssituation) implementiert. Die Arbeit beinhaltet Befunde zur Qualität der Erklärungen angehender Lehrpersonen sowie zum Einfluss verschiedener Lerngelegenheiten auf die Erklärfähigkeit.

  • Friebel, Guido; Heinz, Matthias; Krueger, Miriam; Zubanov, Nick (2017): Team Incentives and Performance : Evidence from a Retail Chain American Economic Review. 2017, 107(8), pp. 2168-2203. ISSN 0002-8282. eISSN 1944-7981. Available under: doi: 10.1257/aer.20160788

    Team Incentives and Performance : Evidence from a Retail Chain


    In a field experiment with a retail chain (1,300 employees, 193 shops), randomly selected sales teams received a bonus. The bonus increases both sales and number of customers dealt with by 3 percent. Each dollar spent on the bonus generates $3.80 in sales, and $2.10 in profit. Wages increase by 2.2 percent while inequality rises only moderately. The analysis suggests effort complementarities to be important, and the effectiveness of peer pressure in overcoming free-riding to be limited. After rolling out the bonus treatment, and control shops' performance converge, suggesting long-term stability of the treatment effect.

  • Hoogveld, Nicky; Zubanov, Nick (2017): The power of (no) recognition : Experimental evidence from the university classroom Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics. 2017, 67, pp. 75-84. ISSN 2214-8043. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.socec.2016.11.001

    The power of (no) recognition : Experimental evidence from the university classroom


    We study the effect of unannounced recognition on performance with a field experiment involving first-year Dutch university students attending tutorials as part of a compulsory course. Our treatment, given in randomly selected tutorial groups, was to publicly recognize students who scored within the top 30% of their respective group on the first of the two midterm exams. The overall treatment effect on the second midterm grade is 0.03s (s=s= grade standard deviation) for the recipients of recognition, and 0.15s for the non-recipients, both statistically insignificant. The effect for the non-recipients increases with class attendance (itself unaffected by our treatment) and proximity to the cutoff grade for recognition, reaching a significant 0.55s for the 23% of the non-recipients who attended at least 12 out of 13 classes and were within the first quartile of the distance to cutoff. We argue that conformity to performance norm is among the forces shaping the effects we observe.

  • Audit Market Regulation around the World : Descriptive Evidence, Market Structure, and Audit Quality


    The main objectives of recent audit market regulations are to (1) increase audit quality, (2) decrease audit market concentration, and (3) foster competition between audit firms. However, the empirical evidence on whether such regulations fulfill these goals is limited. We construct a unique database of the regulations in effect in the audit markets of 29 countries to explore the link between audit market regulation and the abovementioned objectives. The staggered implementation between 2002 and 2014 across the sample countries allows better identification of the role of audit market regulation than in single-country studies. We find that only one of the analyzed regulations, the restriction of auditor liability, is positively associated with all three goals. Mandatory auditor rotation, fee disclosures, and fee caps appear to be detrimental: The associations with two of the objectives are in the wrong direction, with no positive counterbalancing effect with regard to the third goal. Restricting non-audit services is associated with a lower degree of concentration within the group of market leaders and higher audit quality, but is negatively related to competition. The role of audit partner rotation and that of joint audits remain ambiguous. Our findings are helpful for regulators and academics and represent a necessary first step for a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis of audit market regulations.

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