Latest Publications

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  • Atik, Didem; Findeisen, Stefanie; Nickolaus, Reinhold; Seifried, Jürgen (2018): Ursachen von Ausbildungsabbrüchen : Stand der Forschung Berufsbildung : Zeitschrift für Theorie, Praxis, Dialog. Eusl-Verlagsgesellschaft. 2018, 72(172), pp. 12-14. ISSN 0005-9536. eISSN 2199-1944

    Ursachen von Ausbildungsabbrüchen : Stand der Forschung


    dc.title: Atik, Didem; Nickolaus, Reinhold

  • Three Essays on Gender Inequality in Education and Income



  • Kärner, Tobias; Bonnes, Caroline; Schölzel, Christian (2018): Konstruktives Feedback und nachvollziehbare Leistungserwartungen? : Analysen zur wahrgenommenen Bewertungstransparenz im Referendariat Bildung und Beruf : Zeitschrift des Bundesverbandes der Lehrkräfte für Berufsbildung e.V.. 2018, 1(8), pp. 108-114. ISSN 2511-1353

    Konstruktives Feedback und nachvollziehbare Leistungserwartungen? : Analysen zur wahrgenommenen Bewertungstransparenz im Referendariat


    dc.title: Schölzel, Christian

  • Sembill, Detlef; Kärner, Tobias (2018): Bewertung und Ausbalancierung : Heuristiken für onto- und soziogenetische Schichtungsmodellierungen in der Bildungsforschung HUBER, Matthias, ed., Sabine KRAUSE, ed.. Bildung und Emotion. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2018, pp. 169-194. ISBN 978-3-658-18588-6. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-18589-3_10

    Bewertung und Ausbalancierung : Heuristiken für onto- und soziogenetische Schichtungsmodellierungen in der Bildungsforschung


    Erörtert wird eine erweiterte Perspektive auf Bildungsprozesse durch den Einbezug der gleichermaßen basalen wie fi nalen biologischen Schichtung im Rahmen einer zu konstituierenden Lerngesellschaft. Dabei werden mit systematischen und exemplifi zierten Befunden die systemischen Gebundenheiten von onto- und soziogenetischen Prozessen verdeutlicht. Für deren hochschuldidaktische wie forschungsprägende Ausrichtung werden heuristische, selbstähnliche Struktursterne angeboten, deren Grundprinzipien die Bewertung und Ausbalancierung von und innerhalb antagonistischen bzw. diametralen Gegenstandsbereichen sind.

  • Educational Reforms, Incentive Schemes, and Their Impact on Academic Achievement



  • Schumann, Stephan; Neuenschwander, Markus P.; Jüttler, Andreas; Fräulin, Jennifer C. (2018): Gymnasium oder Berufsausbildung : Vorhersage der Bildungsentscheidung im Anschluss an die Sekundarstufe I durch Leistungen und Eltern- und Lehrpersonenerwartungen in Deutsch und Mathematik in der Schweizer Primarschule Zeitschrift für Soziologie der Erziehung und Sozialisation : ZSE. 2018, 38(4), pp. 361-379. ISSN 1436-1957. eISSN 0720-4361. Available under: doi: 10.3262/ZSE1804361

    Gymnasium oder Berufsausbildung : Vorhersage der Bildungsentscheidung im Anschluss an die Sekundarstufe I durch Leistungen und Eltern- und Lehrpersonenerwartungen in Deutsch und Mathematik in der Schweizer Primarschule


    Ausgehend vom Erwartungs-Wert-Modell von Eccles et al. (1983) wird der Frage nachgegangen, ob Leistungserwartungen von Eltern und Lehrpersonen sowie Leistungen in Deutsch und Mathematik in der Primarschule die Bildungsverläufe (Gymnasium vs. Berufsausbildung) beim Übertritt in die Sekundarstufe II erklären. Die Längsschnittstichprobe umfasst Daten aus dem 5. und 9. Schuljahr von N= 290 Schülerinnen und Schülern aus vier Kantonen der Deutschschweiz sowie die zugehörigen Angaben zu Leistungserwartungen von Eltern und Lehrpersonen. Mittels stufenweisen logistischen Regressionsanalysen und Mediationsanalysen kann gezeigt werden, dass sowohl die Leistungen der Kinder als auch die Leistungserwartungen der Eltern und Lehrpersonen in Deutsch und Mathematik die Bildungsentscheidung am Ende der obligatorischen Schulzeit vorhersagen. Der direkte Effekt der Leistungen wird partiell durch die fachspezifischen Leistungserwartungen mediiert. Abschließend werden die Befunde bezüglich der Rolle von Eltern- und Lehrererwartungen im frühen schulischen Kontext diskutiert und mit dem meritokratischen Anspruchsprinzip konfrontiert.

  • Macroprudential Policy in the New Keynesian World


    We integrate banks and the coexistence of bank and bond financing into an otherwise standard New Keynesian framework. There are two policy-makers: a central banker, who can decide on short-term nominal interest rates, and a macroprudential policy-maker, who can vary aggregate capital requirements. The two policy instruments can be used to stabilize shocks, to moderate bank credit cycles, and to induce a more efficient allocation of resources across sectors. Moreover, we investigate the optimal combination of simple policy rules for interest rates and capital requirements. The optimal policy rules imply that the central bank should focus exclusively on price stability and the macroprudential policy-maker should react exclusively to changes in loan rate premia.

  • (2018): Debt Relief for Poor Countries : Conditionality and Effectiveness Economica. 2018, 85(339), pp. 626-648. ISSN 0013-0427. eISSN 1468-0335. Available under: doi: 10.1111/ecca.12216

    Debt Relief for Poor Countries : Conditionality and Effectiveness


    This paper studies the effectiveness of debt relief to stimulate economic growth in the most heavily indebted poor countries. We develop a neoclassical framework with a conflict of interest between the altruistic donor and the recipient government, and model conditionality as an imperfectly enforceable dynamic contract. In contrast to the recent practice of fully cancelling debt, optimal incentive‐compatible conditionality is accompanied by a concessionality level that implies a combination of subsidized loans and outright grants. The optimal concessionality level depends on the recipient's access to international financial markets and on the strength of the conflict of interest. Incentive‐compatible transfers with optimal concessionality levels generate substantial welfare gains. If the donor does not implement the optimal concessionality level and provides subsidized loans only, then the effectiveness of transfers decreases in the long run with severe welfare implications. In contrast, transfers are less effective in the short run if the donor offers outright grants only.

  • von Dawans, Bernadette; Trueg, Amalie; Kirschbaum, Clemens; Fischbacher, Urs; Heinrichs, Markus (2018): Acute social and physical stress interact to influence social behavior : The role of social anxiety PloS one. 2018, 13(10), e0204665. eISSN 1932-6203. Available under: doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0204665

    Acute social and physical stress interact to influence social behavior : The role of social anxiety


    Stress is proven to have detrimental effects on physical and mental health. Due to different tasks and study designs, the direct consequences of acute stress have been found to be wide-reaching: while some studies report prosocial effects, others report increases in antisocial behavior, still others report no effect. To control for specific effects of different stressors and to consider the role of social anxiety in stress-related social behavior, we investigated the effects of social versus physical stress on behavior in male participants possessing different levels of social anxiety. In a randomized, controlled two by two design we investigated the impact of social and physical stress on behavior in healthy young men. We found significant influences on various subjective increases in stress by physical and social stress, but no interaction effect. Cortisol was significantly increased by physical stress, and the heart rate was modulated by physical and social stress as well as their combination. Social anxiety modulated the subjective stress response but not the cortisol or heart rate response. With respect to behavior, our results show that social and physical stress interacted to modulate trust, trustworthiness, and sharing. While social stress and physical stress alone reduced prosocial behavior, a combination of the two stressor modalities could restore prosociality. Social stress alone reduced nonsocial risk behavior regardless of physical stress. Social anxiety was associated with higher subjective stress responses and higher levels of trust. As a consequence, future studies will need to investigate further various stressors and clarify their effects on social behavior in health and social anxiety disorders.

  • Wittmann, Eveline; Frommberger, Dietmar; Birgit, Ziegler (Eds.) (2018): Führen gute schulische Wirtschaftskenntnisse zu einem Wirtschaftsstudium? : Eine Längsschnittstudie zum Einfluss ökonomischer Kompetenzen von Lernenden auf die Aspiration und Wahl eines wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Studiums WITTMANN, Eveline, ed., Dietmar FROMMBERGER, ed., Ziegler BIRGIT, ed.. Jahrbuch der berufs- und wirtschaftspädagogischen Forschung. Opladen: Barbara Budrich, 2018, pp. 149-164. Schriftenreihe der Sektion Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft. ISBN 978-3-8474-1251-9. Available under: doi: 10.2307/j.ctvbkk4pm.14

    Führen gute schulische Wirtschaftskenntnisse zu einem Wirtschaftsstudium? : Eine Längsschnittstudie zum Einfluss ökonomischer Kompetenzen von Lernenden auf die Aspiration und Wahl eines wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Studiums



  • Sippel, Maike; Wöhler, Thomas (2018): #climatechallenge – mehr Dynamik für die sozial-ökologische Transformation durch Veränderungsexperimente? ROGALL, Holger, ed. and others. 6. Jahrbuch Nachhaltige Ökonomie : Im Brennpunkt : Zukunft des nachhaltigen Wirtschaftens in der digitalen Welt. Marburg: Metropolis Verlag, 2018, pp. 145-158. ISBN 978-3-7316-1339-8

    #climatechallenge – mehr Dynamik für die sozial-ökologische Transformation durch Veränderungsexperimente?


    Welche Rolle individuelle Suffizienzstrategien für den Transformationsprozess zum nachhaltigen Wirtschaften spielen können ist in der Nachhaltigen Ökonomie strittig. Auch wenn individuelles Handeln allein sicherlich nicht ausreicht, kann es doch das Bewusstsein für die Notwendigkeit sozial-ökologischer Leitplanken schärfen. Hier setzt das Format #climatechallenge an. Es ermutigt Menschen dazu, in Form von 30-tägigen Veränderungsexperimenten Aspekte eines nachhaltigen Lebensstils auszuprobieren und Erfahrungen zu teilen. Beispielhafte Challenges sind einen Monat vegan, autofrei oder mit erdverträglichem CO2-Budget zu leben. Bisherige Erfahrungen bestehen v.a. in der Durchführung mit Studierenden an der Hochschule Konstanz. Die wissenschaftliche Evaluation seit 2017 zeigt, dass ein Großteil der Teilnehmer sich als erfolgreich bei der Durchführung erleben. Für die Hälfte der befragten Teilnehmer hat die Challenge zur Steigerung der Lebenszufriedenheit beigetragen (für die andere Hälfte zumindest kein negativer Einfluss), 80 % planen die Verhaltensänderung dauerhaft beizubehalten. Das Format kann gerne übernommen werden (open source Material:

  • (2018): The Effects of Mandatory Audit Firm Rotation on Client Importance and Audit Industry Concentration The Accounting Review. 2018, 93(1), pp. 1-27. ISSN 0001-4826. eISSN 1558-7967. Available under: doi: 10.2308/accr-51728

    The Effects of Mandatory Audit Firm Rotation on Client Importance and Audit Industry Concentration


    We appreciate the helpful comments of W. Robert Knechel, J. Reed Smith, Thomas Hemmer (editor), and two anonymous referees. We also thank the participants in the 2013 Workshop on Analytical Research in Financial Accounting, the 2013 Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues, the 2014 Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association, the 2014 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, the 2015 Annual Meeting of the German Academic Association for Business Research, and the 2015 European Auditing Research Network Conference for their valuable remarks and suggestions.

    An earlier version of this paper won the Vernon Zimmerman Best Paper Award for the 2013 25th Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues.

  • Three Essays on Corporate Governance using RDD applied to Close Votes on Shareholder Proposals



  • Deißinger, Thomas; Braun, Vera (Eds.) (2018): VET Teacher Education in Germany : Structural Issues and Fields of Conflict in Business and Economics Education DEISSINGER, Thomas, ed., Vera BRAUN, ed.. Improving teacher education for applied learning in the field of VET. Münster: Waxmann, 2018, pp. 29-72. ISBN 978-3-8309-3960-3

    VET Teacher Education in Germany : Structural Issues and Fields of Conflict in Business and Economics Education



  • The Impact of Bailouts on Political Turnover and Sovereign Default Risk


    This paper develops a stochastic dynamic politico-economic model of sovereign debt to analyze the impact of bailouts on sovereign default risk and political turnover. We consider a small open economy in which the government has access to official loans conditional on the implementation of austerity policies. There is a two-party system in which both parties care about the population’s welfare but differ in an exogenous utility cost of default. Political turnover is the endogenous outcome of the individual voting behavior. In a quantitative exercise we apply the model to Greece and find that bailout episodes are characterized by an increased risk of political turnover. In the short run, stricter conditionality raises the risk of sovereign default because it reduces the participation rate in bailout programs. In the long run, however, stricter conditionality limits the accumulation of debt which lowers sovereign default risk. We show that the frequency of political turnover is U-shaped in the strength of conditionality.

  • Four Essays in Strategic Corporate Finance



  • Felfe, Christina; Zierow, Larissa (2018): From dawn till dusk : Implications of full-day care for children's development Labour Economics. Elsevier. 2018, 55, pp. 259-281. ISSN 0927-5371. eISSN 1879-1034. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.labeco.2018.10.006

    From dawn till dusk : Implications of full-day care for children's development


    An important issue on the political agenda of many developed countries is the intensive margin of formal child care and, consequently, the effects of expanding the operating hours of child care institutions. We add to this debate by studying the effects of offering full-day child care on child development. Specifically, we analyze the consequences of a substantial increase of full-day slots at the expense of half-day slots and hence, when holding the extensive margin constant. The conversion was triggered by several reforms to the German child care system. Using unique administrative data covering the full population of eight birth cohorts in one West German state, we find that more hours have a negative effect on children’s socio-emotional well-being. Subgroup analysis suggests that this result is driven by children from disadvantaged family backgrounds, especially those from low-education backgrounds, single-parent households and migrant families. On a brighter note, we find that full-day care has a positive effect on the school readiness of immigrant children.

  • Schumann, Stephan; Kaufmann, Esther; Eberle, Franz; Jüttler, Andreas; Ackermann, Nicole (2017): Being an economic-civic competent citizen : a technology-based assessment of commercial apprentices in Germany and Switzerland Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training. 2017, 9, 13. ISSN 1877-6337. eISSN 1877-6345. Available under: doi: 10.1186/s40461-017-0056-1

    Being an economic-civic competent citizen : a technology-based assessment of commercial apprentices in Germany and Switzerland


    Background: Citizens in modern democratic societies are confronted with complex demands, challenges, and economic problems, and they typically act as consumers, savers, voters, and employees. It is highly desirable for citizens to be able to competently manage these various demands. This ability we call economic-civic competence. Given the lack of empirical findings and adequate instruments on this issue, we analyze the economic-civic competence of commercial apprentices in Germany and Switzerland. In Swiss commercial apprenticeships, the fostering of this competence is explicitly anchored in the curricula of vocational schools. In Germany, the curricula coverage is not as broad as in Switzerland, which leads to an assumption of country differences in civic-economic competence.

    Methods: A total of 1255 apprentices in the commercial occupations/branches of industrial clerk and logistic clerk were assessed at the end of their second or third training year. Our newly developed, reliable and valid technology-based assessment on economic-civic competence includes issues such as the Euro crisis and public debt.

    Results and conclusions: An advantage among the male trainees, which was expected from previous research, was confirmed only among the German logistic clerks. The expected gender effect was not observed among the German industrial clerks or the Swiss clerks. Furthermore, the results confirm the hypothesized higher scores among German trainees with a university entrance degree. In both countries, the industrial clerks scored significantly higher than the logistic clerks did, and the Swiss trainees scored higher than did their German counterparts in a comparable occupation. This difference becomes markedly stronger if only learners without a university entrance degree are considered. One possible explanation for the country difference may be that the promotion of economic-civic competence has a more prominent role in Swiss vocational schools during commercial apprenticeship. Considering the methodological restrictions, the findings should be interpreted primarily as explorative depictions of the characteristics and group differences of economic-civic competence. However, our study can also be seen in the broader context of contemporary interest and challenges in developing technology-based assessment within the field of education. Thus, our study contributes to further research on the characteristics and genesis of economic-civic competences as well as on technology-based assessments.

  • (2017): A mixed-methods study of physiological reactivity to domain-specific problem solving : methodological perspectives for process-accompanying research in VET Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training. 2017, 9, 10. ISSN 1877-6337. eISSN 1877-6345. Available under: doi: 10.1186/s40461-017-0054-3

    A mixed-methods study of physiological reactivity to domain-specific problem solving : methodological perspectives for process-accompanying research in VET


    The study aims to investigate stress-inducing potentials of problem-solving activities (e.g., goal elaboration, decision making, and information seeking) within an authentic problem-solving task from the business administration domain. Furthermore, the study aims to investigate stress-reducing potentials of personal characteristics (e.g., self-efficacy beliefs, vocational experience).

    A mixed-methods design was chosen to investigate in-depth processes during domain-specific problem solving, using a computer-based office simulation. Personal characteristics were assessed by questionnaires and tests before the task. Cardiovascular and electrodermal reactivity were measured continuously during the task. Problem-solving activities were coded on the basis of screencasts and think-aloud recordings. Changes in physiological reactivity were estimated on the basis of problem-solving activities and personal characteristics via multilevel regression analyses.

    The problem-solving task in general was associated with stress reactions. There were no significant main effects of self-efficacy beliefs, vocational experience, and general intelligence. However, changes in heart rate depended on an interaction between vocational experience and activities including goal elaboration and definition. Furthermore, problem-solving activities including decision making were significantly associated with an increase of amplitudes of detected skin conductance responses. A negative correlation found between the problem-solving score and the LF/HF ratio indicates that higher physiological arousal during the problem-solving task was accompanied by lower problem-solving performance.

    It seems to be worthwhile to integrate physiological methods in domain-specific research practice to a greater extent. An essential advantage of such methods can be seen in the measurements’ relative independence from self-reported biases that seems to be especially important for high-frequency measurements within the scope of process-accompanying surveys and/or when investigating implicit aspects of action processes: from this, some new methodological perspectives for empirical research in VET could be developed. However, one has to consider that physiological measures alone are not objective or meaningful in this context, but rather have to be interpreted in their interplay with psychological parameters (e.g., experiences, behaviors) or with particular situational stimuli.

  • Cyron, Laura; Schwerdt, Guido; Viarengo, Martina (2017): The effect of opposite sex siblings on cognitive and noncognitive skills in early childhood Applied Economics Letters. 2017, 24(19), pp. 1369-1373. ISSN 1350-4851. eISSN 1466-4291. Available under: doi: 10.1080/13504851.2017.1279263

    The effect of opposite sex siblings on cognitive and noncognitive skills in early childhood


    We investigate the effect of having opposite sex siblings on cognitive and noncognitive skills of children in the United States at the onset of formal education. Our identification strategy rests on the assumption that, conditional on covariates, the sibling sex composition of the two firstborn children in a family is arguably exogenous. With regard to cognitive skills, learning skills and self-control measured in kindergarten, we find that boys benefit from having a sister, while there is no effect for girls. We also find evidence for the effect fading out as early as first grade.

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