Latest Publications

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  • (2004): Comment on S. Valdes-Prieto, "The Financial Stability of Notional Account Pensions" The Scandinavian Journal of Economics. 2004, 106(2), pp. 385-387. ISSN 0347-0520. eISSN 1467-9442. Available under: doi: 10.1111/j.0347-0520.2004.00365.x

    Comment on S. Valdes-Prieto, "The Financial Stability of Notional Account Pensions"



  • (2004): Bénassy, Jean-Pascal: The macroeconomics of imperfect competition and nonclearing markets : a dynamic general equilibrium approach The Economic Journal. 2004, 114(496), pp. F358-F359. Available under: doi: 10.1111/j.1468-0297.2004.00226_14.x

    Bénassy, Jean-Pascal: The macroeconomics of imperfect competition and nonclearing markets : a dynamic general equilibrium approach



  • Franke, Günter; Stapleton, Richard C.; Subrahmanyam, Marti G. (2004): Background risk and the demand for state-contingent claims Economic Theory. 2004, 23, pp. 321-335. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s00199-003-0368-1

    Background risk and the demand for state-contingent claims


    We consider the demand for state-contingent claims, in the presence of an independent zero-mean, non-hedgeable background risk. An agent is defined to be generalized risk averse if he/she chooses a demand function for contingent claims with a smaller slope everywhere, given a simple increase in background risk. We show that the conditions for standard risk aversion, that is positive, declining absolute risk aversion and prudence, are necessary and sufficient for generalized risk aversion.

  • Conditionally parametric fits for CAPM betas


    The CAPM model assumes stock returns to be a linear function of the market return. However, there is considerable evidence that the beta stability assumption commonly used when estimating the model is invalid. Nonparametric regression methods are used to examine the stability of beta coefficients in German stock returns. Since local polynomial regression is used for estimation, known methods for testing the stability and for bandwidth choice can be used. For some returns the test indicates time-varying betas. For these returns conditionally parametric fits are calculated.

  • Ammermüller, Andreas (2004): PISA : what makes the difference?

    PISA : what makes the difference?


    The huge difference in the level and variance of student performance in the 2000 PISA study between Finland and Germany motivates this paper. It analyses why Finnish students performed so much better by estimating educational production functions for both countries. The difference in the reading proficiency scores is assigned to different effects, using Oaxaca-Blinder and Juhn-Murphy-Pierce decomposition techniques. The analysis shows that German students have on average a more favorable background except for the lowest deciles, but experience much lower returns to these background characteristics in terms of test scores than Finnish students. The results imply that early streaming in Germany penalizes students in lower school types and leads to a greater inequality of educational achievement. It remains unclear, however, if this can be attributed to the effect of school types per se or student background and innate ability that determine the allocation process of students into school types. Overall, the variation in test scores can be explained much better by the observable characteristics in Germany than in Finland.

  • Die Auswirkungen der Umweltpolitik auf Arbeitslosigkeit und Wachstum mit besonderer Berücksichtigung von Umweltzertifikaten


    Die Frage dieser Arbeit wird sein, wie eine striktere (bzw. strengere), aber nicht zwingend optimale Umweltpolitik sich auf Wachstum und Arbeitslosigkeit auswirkt. Eine striktere Umweltpolitik zeichnet sich durch eine geringere Umweltverschmutzung aus, da die Unternehmen zu umweltfreundlicherem Verhalten angeregt werden.
    Die Arbeit hat folgenden Aufbau: Im zweiten Kapitel werde ich das Untersuchungsfeld der Umweltverschmutzung eingrenzen. In einem ersten Schritt werde ich erklären, warum eine Beschränkung auf das Gebiet des Klimawandels sinnvoll ist. Danach stelle ich dar, welche Umweltinstrumente überhaupt für die Bekämpfung des Klimawandels geeignet sind.
    Im dritten Kapitel geht es um die Frage, welchen Einfluss eine striktere Umweltpolitik auf das Wachstum der Volkswirtschaft hat. Dazu werde ich einerseits darstellen, welchen Einfluss die Umweltpolitik hier generell hat, und andererseits, welche Wirkungen die einzelnen Umweltinstrumente im Speziellen haben. Am Schluss des dritten Kapitels werde ich die theoretisch gefundenen Ergebnisse dann anhand empirischer Untersuchungen überprüfen.
    Im folgenden vierten Kapitel geht es dann um die Auswirkungen der Umweltpolitik auf die Arbeitslosigkeit. Hier werde ich recht ausführlich ein Modell von Bovenberg und de Mooij besprechen, welches alle für die Fragestellung relevanten Effekte gut darstellt. Auch hier werden die gefundenen Ergebnisse anhand von empirischen Arbeiten überprüft.
    Im fünften Kapitel werde ich mich dann speziell den Besonderheiten der Zertifikate widmen, die sich als ein geeignetes Instrument zur Bekämpfung des Klimawandels herausstellen werden. Wie in der gesamten Arbeit, wird im fünften Kapitel von Situationen abgesehen, in denen Marktmacht auf dem Zertifikatsmarkt auftritt. Dies kann man so begründen, dass die Zertifikatsmärkte meistens so gestaltet werden, dass Marktmacht von vornherein vermieden wird. Auf dem geplanten Markt für Emissionszertifikate der EU werden beispielsweise 10000 Unternehmen am geplanten Zertifikatshandel teilnehmen. Die Tatsache, dass die Unternehmen aus verschiedenen Branchen und verschiedenen Ländern kommen , sollte das Problem der Marktmacht begrenzen. Bei der Analyse der Zertifikate konzentriere ich mich auf die Unternehmenszertifikate. Nicht betrachten werde ich dagegen, die zwischen den Ländern gehandelten Zertifikate nach dem Kyoto Protokoll. Grund dafür ist, dass man momentan noch nicht absehen kann, wann, und ob das Kyoto Protokoll in Kraft tritt. Dagegen ist der Typ der Unternehmenszertifikate in der Realität entweder schon implementiert (zum Beispiel im Rahmen des amerikanischen ATP), oder wird (wie in der EU) in Kürze eingeführt werden.

  • A simple graphical method to explore tail-dependence in stock-return pairs


    For a bivariate data set the dependence structure can not only be measured globally, for example with the Bravais-Pearson correlation coefficient, but the dependence structure can also be analyzed locally. In this article the exploration of dependencies in the tails of the bivariate distribution is discussed. For this a graphical method which is called chi-plot and which was introduced by Fisher and Switzer (1985, 2001) is used. Examples with simulated data sets illustrate that the chi-plot is suitable for the exploration of dependencies. This graphical method is then used to examine stock-return pairs. The kind of tail-dependence between returns has consequences, for example, for the calculation of the Value at Risk and should be modelled carefully. The application of the chi-plot to various daily stock-return pairs shows that different dependence structures can be found. This graph can therefore be an interesting aid for the modelling of returns.

  • Gersbach, Hans; Hahn, Volker (2004): Voting Transparency, Conflicting Interests and the Appointment of Central Bankers Economics and Politics. 2004, 16(3), pp. 321-345. ISSN 0954-1985. eISSN 1468-0343. Available under: doi: 10.1111/j.1468-0343.2004.00142.x

    Voting Transparency, Conflicting Interests and the Appointment of Central Bankers


    We examine whether the publication of the individual voting records of central-bank council members is socially desirable when the preferences of the central bankers differ. We identify two positive effects of transparency. First, central bankers whose preferences differ from those of society may act in the interest of society in order to increase their re-appointment chances. Second, transparency enhances the efficiency of the appointment process since the government can align the preferences of the central-bank council with those of the public over time. In a monetary union, our findings about the desirability of transparency may be reversed.

  • Der Kausaleffekt von Bildungsinvestitionen : empirische Evidenz für Deutschland


    This paper analysis the robustness of the causal relationship between schooling
    and wages. Different estimators and instruments are compared under the
    assumption of heterogeneous returns to schooling. A data set from Germany is
    employed. It is shown that the results depend crucially on the choice of
    instruments and not so much on the applied estimator.

  • Zur Umsetzung der Lehr-Lern-Konzeption des Selbstorganisierten Lernens im Rechnugswesenunterricht



  • The Determinants of Salary and Bonus for Rank and File Employees


    The current study integrates the repeated game approach to implicit contracts and the analysis of explicit bonus rules based on subjective performance evaluation to determine the optimal structure of the compensation scheme for the average white-collar employee. In contrast to previous contributions we assume that the agent is risk-neutral but liquidity constrained. The salary reflects the maximum reward associated with contractual compliance which can be implicitly agreed. If the probability that the employee remains within the firm increases, the principal can reduce the rent captured by the agent. Hence, the optimal salary increases and the explicit bonus decreases. Nevertheless, the optimal effort supply unambiguously increases.

  • Demougin, Dominique; Fabel, Oliver (2004): The Divison of Ownership in New Ventures

    The Divison of Ownership in New Ventures


    The current study investigates a tripartite incentive contract between an innovator supplying an intellectual asset, a professional assigned to productive tasks, and a consulting firm specialized in recruiting qualified personnel. The liquidity-constrained professional is compensated by receiving a share of one half in the new venture. With continuous search activities of the consultant the pure tripartite partnership implements the consultant s expected profit maximum. The consultant s and the innovator s shares reflect the relative value of search. However, the consultant s optimal search effort is inefficiently low. With binary search and only two innovator types , there may also exist bipartite partnerships of equals between the innovator and the professional, and bipartite partnerships of equals between the consultant and the professional. The latter emerge from complete buy-outs of innovators with low value business ideas.

  • Die Anatomie des Berufswechsels : eine empirische Bestandsaufnahme auf Basis der BIBB/IAB-Daten 1998/1999


    Unter dem Stichwort Patchwork-Biografien wird die Tatsache, dass ein großer Teil der abhängig Beschäftigten ihren erlernten Beruf nicht mehr ausüben, in jüngster Zeit viel diskutiert. Diese Studie liefert einen empirischen Beitrag zur Anatomie des Berufswechsel für westdeutsche Männer auf Basis der BIBB/IAB-Daten 1998/1999. Als Grundlage für die empirische Analyse wird ein theoretisches Modell der Wahl zwischen horizontal differenzierten Berufen entwickelt. Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse sind: Ex post beobachtete Berufswechsel hängen negativ vom Durchschnittslohn im Ausbildungsberuf und positiv vom Durchschnittslohn im Erwerbsberuf ab. Der deskriptiv beobachtete durchschnittliche Entlohnungseffekt eines Berufswechsels ist signifikant positiv, verstärkt sich noch, wenn für den Ausbildungsberuf kontrolliert wird, und ist demgegenüber signifikant negativ, wenn für den Erwerbsberuf kontrolliert wird. Der geschätzte kausale durchschnittliche Entlohnungseffekt ist positiv. Die Ergebnisse sind insgesamt damit konsistent, dass Berufswechsel vor allem damit zusammenhängen, dass Beschäftigte im neuen Erwerbsberuf größere Verdienst- und Karrierechancen wahrnehmen können.

  • Belke, Ansgar; Kaas, Leo (2004): The Impact of Exchange Rate Volatility on the European and U.S. Labor Markets The Journal of Economic Asymmetries. 2004, 1(2), pp. 21-50. ISSN 1703-4949. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.jeca.2004.02.002

    The Impact of Exchange Rate Volatility on the European and U.S. Labor Markets


    We analyze the effects of exchange rate volatility on labor market performance, both theoretically and empirically. We consider a simple Dixit/Pindyck-style model to show that there is a negative relationship between exchange rate variability and job creation. It turns out that a higher reservation wage, a better bargaining position of workers and higher costs of job creation strengthen the adverse impact of uncertainty on employment. Thus, the link between exchange rate variability and employment should be stronger in most European countries than in the US. Our regression analysis provides support for this conclusion.

  • Hemsworth, David; Roodhouse, Simon (Eds.) (2004): Apprenticeship Cultures : a comparative view HEMSWORTH, David, ed., Simon ROODHOUSE, ed.. Apprenticeship : An Historical Re-Invention for a Post Industrial World ; Proceedings of the conference held by the University Vocational Awards Council, London, January 2004. Bolton: University Vocational Awards Council, 2004, pp. 43-58. ISBN 0-907311-10-5

    Apprenticeship Cultures : a comparative view


    The term ‘apprenticeship culture’ describes ‘both pedagogical efforts and institutional arrangements in the area of vocational training’. This paper refers to three dimensions of what constitutes an apprenticeship culture: (1) the institutional pattern of vocational training; (2) the intentions underlying the process of skill formation; and (3) the relationship or interaction between the vocational training system and correlated systems. It compares the apprenticeship cultures in Germany and the UK and explores the concepts of the ‘vocational principle’ as the cornerstone of apprenticeships in the German dual system, and of competence based training as the cornerstone of vocational training reform in the UK. The paper concludes that, compared to other countries, the ‘continuance of tradition’ in Germany has been highly valued and the role of the state, the importance of ‘shared practices’, and more importantly, the ‘vocational principle’ make the German system an ‘institution-based approach’. In contrast, the UK apprenticeship system still sticks to market principles and great social and economic importance is given to the ‘outcome-based approach’ through competency based training.

  • Policies in Tertiary Education and the Change in Attendance and Time-to-Degree


    This paper investigates the effect of reforms on the time-to-degree and attendance at colleges. My model predicts that with imperfect credit markets imposing tuition fees may raise instead of reducing the time-to-degree. In the final section of the paper, I present a proposal for a reform which incorporates differentiated fees and a credit point system. I derive an optimal fee for maximal attendance in higher education.

  • (2004): Schüleraktivitäten beim selbstorganisierten Lernen und deren Auswirkungen auf den Lernerfolg Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft. 2004, 7(4), pp. 571-586. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s11618-004-0060-7

    Schüleraktivitäten beim selbstorganisierten Lernen und deren Auswirkungen auf den Lernerfolg


    Ein grundlegendes Gestaltungselement des selbstorganisierten Lernens in Form projektorientierter Bearbeitung komplexer Probleme in Kleingruppen ist die Eigenaktivität der Lernenden. Zielsetzung, Problemlösung und Handlungskontrolle sollen in einer selbstorganisationsoffenen Lernumgebung vornehmlich von den Lernenden selbst übernommen werden. Im Zuge der gemeinsamen Problembearbeitung werden Schüler dazu angehalten, eigene Kenntnisse zu externalisieren und gemeinsam Modellvorstellungen und Begriffe zu konstruieren. In diesem Kontext geht man davon aus, dass lerninhaltsbezogene Aktivitäten von Schülern zu einem höheren Lernerfolg führen. In dem den Ausführungen zugrunde liegenden Forschungsprojekt wurde dem Aspekt der Lerneraktivität während schülerzentrierter Arbeitsphasen besonderes Augenmerk geschenkt. Mit Hilfe dreier alternativer Kategorienschemata (Problemlöseprozess, Verwendung von Fachtermini sowie Schülerfragen) wurde die Eigenaktivität einer Teilstichprobe (zwei Arbeitsgruppen mit neun von insgesamt 22 Untersuchungsteilnehmern einer Berufsschulklasse) analysiert. Dabei zeigte sich, dass erwartungsgemäß ein überzufälliger Zusammenhang zwischen der Schüleraktivität und dem Lernerfolg (Problemlösefähigkeit) besteht. Die Lernenden konnten den beim selbstorganisierten Lernen bestehenden Freiraum eigenverantwortlich nutzen.

  • Brevik, Frode; Kind, Axel (2004): What is going on in the oil market? Financial Markets and Portfolio Management. 2004, 18(4), pp. 442-457. ISSN 1555-4961. eISSN 1555-497X. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s11408-004-0407-3

    What is going on in the oil market?


    In this article, we propose a consistent view on the recent oil-price history based on fundamental data and economic theory. We sum up: After the turn of the century three major stylized shocks have hit market. First, the demand curve has shifted fight outwards, mainly driven, as extensively reported in the media, by sustained growth in China and other Asian Countries. Second, supply disruptions in countries with low extraction costs (Iraq and Venezuela) have shifted the supply curve to the left. Third, we show that speculators adjust their inventories in order to take advantage of predictable price fluctuations and play themselves a major role in the price formation. Optimal storage theory implies that aggregate inventories are negatively related to the oil price and positively to the volatility of supply and demand shocks.

  • Kaas, Leo; Thadden, Leopold von (2004): Budgetary policy and unemployment dynamics in an olg model with collective bargaining The Economic Journal. 2004, 114(498), pp. 867-889. ISSN 0013-0133. eISSN 1468-0297. Available under: doi: 10.1111/j.1468-0297.2004.00247.x

    Budgetary policy and unemployment dynamics in an olg model with collective bargaining


    We consider a dynamic general equilibrium model with capital accumulation and collective wage bargaining and investigate how unemployment responds to structural shocks under two stylised budgetary policies. Under balanced budgets, tax adjustments lead to higher unemployment on impact but enable a quick recovery of employment. By contrast, unbalanced budgets mitigate unemployment effects on impact but dynamics are more persistent due to weaker capital accumulation and future fiscal consolidations. These results are consistent with empirical evidence on a positive cross-country relationship between government borrowing and unemployment persistence.

  • (2004): Initiatives and Strategies to Secure Training Opportunities in the German Vocational Education and Training System Journal of adult and continuing education : JACE. 2004, 10(2), pp. 160-174. ISSN 1361-7788. eISSN 1477-9714. Available under: doi: 10.7227/JACE.10.2.6

    Initiatives and Strategies to Secure Training Opportunities in the German Vocational Education and Training System


    In Germany, the vocational education and training system has traditionally been regarded as stable and efficient and also well esteemed because it produces highly valued and nationally recognised vocational qualifications. The so-called Dual System still attracts the majority of school-leavers with non-academic aspirations or talents. However, in the past few years the Dual System has faced severe problems, and critics argue that it is in a structural crisis owing to failing operating mechanisms. Furthermore, economic factors have contributed to a critical situation in the training market, with a serious lack of training opportunities. On the other hand, the vocational full-time schools as the second major sub-system of vocational education and training in Germany, though clearly in the shadow of the Dual System, provide a mix of opportunities to achieve general or vocational qualifications.
    Against this background, vocational training policy and research alike have identified the need for reforms and a more or less substantial change of the system. Currently, four strategies are under discussion and have already been partly undertaken to provide a more reliable supply of training opportunities and to enhance the quality of vocational courses and programmes. Although one focus lies on bridging the gap between the two subs-systems, the nature of the reform debate at least partly shows parallels to reforms in anglophone countries, which seems remarkable as the system in Germany has always been reluctant to reform and less flexible and open compared to other countries.

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