Inequality and Education: Interdisciplinary Perspectives

M. Busemeyer, G. Schwerdt

Seminar | PhD (MSc/MA) | 2 hrs | 4/6/7 ECTS  | Busemeyer / Schwerdt | engl. | ILIAS | ZEuS


The first meeting of the seminar will take place on Tuesday April 13, 10-11.30 via Zoom. More details can be found on ILIAS.

If you want to attend this course, you need to formally register via ILIAS until the end of the first week of the semester (Friday, April 16, noon). This is a seminar for doctoral and advanced MA students (3rd semester and more) - priority will be given to these students. The password needed to register with ILIAS will be provided in the first meeting of the class.

Time and Room

Tuesday, 10.00-11.30,


This seminar, aimed at doctoral and advanced MA students, studies the association between education and inequality from different, interdisciplinary perspectives (mostly political science, economics and sociology). More specifically, the course addresses issues such as: To what extent are patterns of educational attainment and participation connected to factors such as individual social, ethnic, or religious background? Why does the association between individual background and attainment vary over time and across educational systems? Which policies are most effective in reducing education-related inequality? Why is it often difficult to implement these policies politically? What is the role of political parties and interest groups in shaping education policy across time and countries? How do education systems cope with the challenge of digitalization and automation? How can we empirically evaluate the causal effects of policies? 

In order to address these questions, we will read and discuss a broad literature from educational sociology, economics of education and comparative public policy analysis. Students are expected to contribute actively to class discussions and write a research paper based on and related to the literature discussed in class. Selectively invited guest speakers will contribute to enhancing the course program and to ensuring that topics discussed are at the cutting edge of research.

Course Objectives

1. Forschungsüberblick / Literature Review
Die Studierenden erlangen die Fähigkeit einen Forschungsüberblick zu entwerfen./Students acquire the ability to put together a summary of existing research on a topic.

2. Theorieentwicklung / Development of Theory
Die Studierenden können eine Theorie entwickeln./Students can develop a theory.

3. Forschungsdesign / Research Design
Die Studierenden sind in der Lage, ein Forschungsdesign zu erstellen./Students are able to design a research project.

4. Forschungsbasierter Transfer / Reasearch-Based Transfer
Die Studierenden sind in der Lage einen forschungsbasierten Transfer zu leisten./Students are able to transfer the results of their research into a broader context.