
Urs Fischbacher, Fabian Dvorak and Moritz Janas

will offer a short course in z-Tree from 22.02.-24.02.2021.


  • Due to the high demand, the course for Secition I + III is unfortunately already full. 
  • Participants who would like to attend Section II should please send an email to Madeleine Hafner until 25.01.2021.
  • Download the information sheet here.

About z-Tree:

z-Tree is a widely used software package for developing and carrying out economic experiments. The language used to define the experiments is simple and compact, meaning that experiments can be developed quickly, and programming experience is not necessary, though useful. z-Tree is flexible both with respect to the logic of interaction and the visual representation, allowing the simple programming of normal form games, extensive form games, double auctions, or clock auctions, for example.

Course Information:

There will be two sections offered, a beginner section (days 1 and 2) and an advanced section (day 3). As the name implies, the beginner section is intended for those just beginning with z-Tree, and the advanced section for those already experienced in programming with z-Tree. On the first two day will will go through most of the features of z-Tree, including much practicing. The third day is devoted to more advanced issues, and to the new features of Version 5, released towards the end of 2020, and we will discuss specific problems of the attendants of the course. Thus, experiences user might also attend only the third day. 


  • Due to the high demand, the course in Secition I + III is unfortunately already full. 
  • Participants who would like to attend Section II should please send an email to Madeleine Hafner until 25.01.2021.


Beginner section I: 22.02.2021 and 23.02.2021, 9am to 5pm (CET)

Advanced section II: 24.02.2021, 9am to 12.30pm (CET)

Section III: 24.02.2021, 1:30pm to 5pm (CET)

