Lecture: Introduction to Decision Theory

Teacher, Content, Time and room

Teacher: Urs Fischbacher (lecture) & Dalila Lindov (tutorial)

How do people take decisions? In this lecture, we will study theories that determine optimal decisions given assumptions and constraints. This is what is considered as rational choice models. In addition, we will show how people actually take the decisions. This empirical evidence is often based on experiments and provides the basis for behavioural theories.

Time and room:
Lecture: Monday, 21.10.2019 - 10.02.2020 from 15:15 - 16:45, Room: A703

Tutorial 1: Tuesday, 05.11.2019 - 11.02.2020 from 13:30 - 15:00, Room: C358, biweekly
Tutorial 2: Thursdsy, 07.11.2019 - 13.02.2020 from 10:00 - 11:30, Room: C358, biweekly
Tutorial 3: Friday, 08.11.2019 - 14.02.2020 from 10:00 - 11:30, Room: L610, biweekly

Evaluation: Monday, 27.01.2020


Date: 13.06.2020, 08:30 - 10:00 in R712 + R511

Please, also consider the hygiene regluations during the exams:
German Version
English Version 

Further information
