Presenter information


Regular oral presentations will be 10 min long with 3 additional minutes for discussions and then 2 minutes for changing rooms. All rooms will have both Mac and PC connected to the presentation system with a current version of Powerpoint and Keynote. You will not be able to connect your own device for a contributed talk. It is highly recommended that presenters bring their talk on a USB as backup to their presentation. Don't forget to embed media or have it in a folder with your presentation. Presentations should be formatted for 16:9 aspect ratio and labelled as: LASTNAME-ASAB-2019

Presentations must be uploaded at least 4 hours before your talk. Upload and testing can take place at the following times:

  • Monday, 26 August 8:00-18:00 (in A703) and 13:00-17:00 (in the Audimax)
  • Tuesday, 27 August at 7:30-8:30 and 12:30-13:10 and 16:40-18:40 in your allocated presentation room
  • Wednesday, 27 August at 7:30-8:30 and 12:50-14:00 in your allocated presentation room


All posters will be displayed in the foyer of the main “A” building. Assigned poster numbers are in the Index available online. Mounting materials and no Twitter signs will be provided onsite. Presenters should stand by their poster at the session on Tuesday 27 August, according to their number: evens from 16:40-17:25, and odds from 17:25-18:15.